In order to answer your business problems we provide full data collection service either online or with traditional qualitative and quantitative research methodologies.
Online researches
- We execute quantitative researches using our innovative questionnaire software and sending out invitations to our own panel members or to our client’s panel members.
Traditional (offline) and qualitative researches
- In order to fully cover our partners’ research needs, besides online data collection we conduct research using traditional methodologies as well. Your range of options:
- Personal interviews
- Telephone interviews
- Mystery shopping
- Focus groups
- In-depth interviews
- Applying qualitative techniques we get answers to the real whys. True motivations will be revealed behind the causal relationships in the quantitative data.
Innovative research methodologies
- According to our experiences, respondents often choose different answers to what they really think. Therefore, if necessary we apply qualitative techniques.
- Think-aloud interview
- Ethnographies
- Co-creation
- Diaries